Jeffery Tompkins

Urban Planner + Strategist | How can we make your places go?

East Street Corridor Plan

As the main access point through the neighborhood between downtown and Garfield Park, a re-envisaged East Street is an integral link helping increase neighborhood health, mobility, and connectedness.

All images copyright Jeffery Tompkins ©2021

Location: Indianapolis, IN 

Date : October 2020

Team: Bates-Hendricks Neighborhood Association

Awards: Submission to Walk People Places Conference 2021

With PRT Planning & Design, LLC, Jeffery developed a three-option proposal offers an efficient and cost-effective strategy to give Bates-Hendricks the neighborhood corridor it deserves. The final proposal called for a one mile design intervention involving various tiers of multi-modal infrastructure catering to specific segments of the East Street corridor. Low-cost parking stop-separated multi-modal lanes lead to a renewed business district at Lincoln and East which involves a widened pedestrian thoroughfare accommodating strollers, bicyclists, and shoppers. A series of speed humps and tactical paint help to calm traffic while ensuring safety for all users of the street. 

The Gateway to Bates-Hendricks

This corridor plan for the East Street in the Bates-Hendricks neighborhood of Indianapolis represents a turning point. As a second generation of investment begins on many properties in the corridor, a new vision is needed to guide a future multi-modal East Street that is safe and welcoming for all residents of the neighborhood. Catalyzed by the construction of the world-class Cultural Trail and redevelopment occurring downtown, Bates-Hendricks needs a clear vision for East Street that helps to sew this neighborhood back into its greater urban fabric while leveraging concurrent infrastructure improvements by the City of Indianapolis and a slew of private investment currently happening in the neighborhood. Maligned by decades of disinvestment, much of Bates-Hendricks is in need for infrastructure repair. As the main access point through the neighborhood between downtown and Garfield Park, a reenvisaged East Street is an integral link helping increase neighborhood health, mobility, and connectedness.

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